NASW-ND Events

Group Supervision in Social Work

In Partnership with NASW-IL

NASWND Chapter 0 683

Nov 01, 9:00 AM – Nov 02, 12:00 PM


This course covers the basics of clinical supervision in a group format.

Presenter: Jackie Anderson-Carter, PhD, LCSW

Cost: 3 CEUs / $75.00 Nonmember / $45.00 NASW Member

Self-Care for Social Workers

In Partnership with NASW-IL

NASWND Chapter 0 656

Sep 30, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CDT


This event will provide a concrete guide to self-care for social workers from an experienced social worker.

Presenter: Genesis Hall, LCSW

Cost: 1 CEU / $15.00 Nonmember / $10 NASW Member

Fundamentals of Individual Clinical Social Work Supervision

In Partnership with NASW-IL

NASWND Chapter 0 613

Sep 22, 8:00 AM CDT – Sep 23, 12:00 PM CDT


This course is aimed at new and experienced supervisors and will cover what all supervisors need to know in order to engage most effectively, legally, and ethically with their supervisees.

Presenter: Natalie K. Holzman, LCSW

Cost: 4.0 CEUs / $100 Nonmember / $60 NASW Member


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