NASW-ND Events

Fundamentals of Individual Clinical Social Work Supervision

In Partnership with NASW-IL

NASWND Chapter 0 377

Aug 04, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT


This course is aimed at new and experienced supervisors and will cover what all supervisors need to know in order to engage most effectively, legally, and ethically with their supervisees. Speaker: Natalie K. Holzman, LCSW

Cost: 4 CEUs / $100 Nonmember / $60 NASW Member

Ethical Considerations and Best Practices with LGBTQ+ Clients

In Partnership with NASW-IL

NASWND Chapter 0 503

Jul 21, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT


This ethics workshop will cover applicable codes and cultural competence standards, definitions of gender, sex, confidentiality, language usage, practitioner bias, and steps for resolving ethical dilemmas. Speaker: Ruth Lipschutz, LCSW, ACSW

Cost: 3 Ethics CEUs / $90 Nonmember / $50 NASW Member

Queerly Tripping Towards Holistic Healing

In Partnership with NASW-IL

NASWND Chapter 0 377

Jul 17, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CDT


This workshop will touch upon the history of psychedelics in the LGBTQ+ community, how the community has experienced harm by psychedelic practitioners and how we might collectively imagine a new path forward. Speaker: Jordan Dobrowski, LCSW

Cost: 1 CEU / $15 Nonmember / $10 NASW Member

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy & Dissociative Disorders

In Partnership with NASW-IL

NASWND Chapter 0 471

Jun 26, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CDT


This course will discuss the differences between psychedelic dissociation and trauma-induced dissociation, the therapeutic potential of ketamine for trauma survivors, and best practices for working with dissociation. Speaker: Jordan Dobrowski, LCSW

Cost: 1 CEUs / $15 Nonmember / $10 NASW Member

Social Work Licensure Test Review Course - LIVE VIRTUAL

In Partnership with NASW-IL

NASWND Chapter 0 549

Jun 22, 8:00 AM CDT – Jun 23, 12:00 PM CDT


This course will help participants develop successful test-taking strategies for answering licensure examination questions and will review material in each of the content areas on the examination. Speaker: Linda McClerklin, PhD, LCSW

Cost (before 6.01.23): 8 CEUs / $149 Nonmember / $99 NASW Member


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