Fundamentals of Individual Clinical Social Work Supervision
In Partnership with NASW-IL
Fundamentals of Individual Clinical Social Work Supervision
Date: Monday, February 26 2024 from 8:00am to 12:00pm CT
Virtual Platform: Zoom
Presenter: Natalie K. Holzman, LCSW
Cost: CEUs: 4.0 / $100 Nonmember / $60 NASW Member
Description: Learn the fundamentals of being a clinical supervisor! This course is aimed at new and experienced supervisors and will cover what all supervisors need to know in order to engage most effectively, legally, and ethically with their supervisees. New supervisors can expect clear models for supervision, especially at the front end, to help them implement the complex set of supervisory tasks. Experienced supervisors in both practice settings and private practice can expect reinforcing on what they already do well to help them function more effectively and consistently. Administrative supervisors will learn how to facilitate highly effective service to clients and job satisfaction for staff by understanding the bottom line benefit of clinical supervision (i.e., improve client outcomes, boost morale and reduce staff burnout). All eligible attendees will be able to enter into the next edition of the NASW-Illinois Chapter Supervisor Registry, made available to individuals looking for clinical supervisors.