NASW-ND Events

Event date: 11/27/2023 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Export event
NASWND Chapter
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Clinical Social Work Supervision II: Discussion of Supervisory Issues in Practice

In Partnership with NASW-IL

Clinical Social Work Supervision II: Discussion of Supervisory Issues in Practice

Clinical Social Work Supervision II: Discussion of Supervisory Issues in Practice 
Date: Monday, November 27, 2023, from 8:00am to 11:00am Central Time (CST) (6:00am - 9:00am PST)
Presenter: Natalie K. Holzman, LCSW
Description: This workshop will provide an opportunity to consider some of the elements presented in the Fundamentals of Individual Clinical Social Work Supervision course. The format will be entirely discussion-based using practice-related vignettes based on issues and questions raised in advance by the participants. These issues may include everyday as well as challenging supervisory experiences. There will also be some time dedicated for additional questions and concerns.  When you register, expect to contribute a brief (disguised) supervisory question/issue/experience which may be shared during the workshop in the form of a discussion question. (The organizer will combine/select the submissions.) The expectation is that everyone will contribute, the discussions will focus on issues of interest to the participants, and we will help each other enhance our supervisory expertise.
CEUs: 3.0 / $75 Nonmember / $45 NASW Member
Virtual Platform: Zoom


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